Our Programs

The Department of Florida provides assistance to at risk or in need Veterans and their families throughout the state of Florida.. If a Veteran needs a hand up the members of our Department are there and eager to help.
If you would like to find more information or need to apply for assistance please click the link below.

Suicide Awareness
The effects of war can be difficult to overcome, both physically and mentally. Since our organization is comprised of combat wounded Veterans we find that most were not given the mental health treatment the needed after they returned home.
We aim to decrease the negative stigma associated with these heroes getting help and we use a peer to peer approach to keep these warriors from becoming a statistic.

Purple Heart trail
Florida is a Purple Heart state and was designated as such in order to create an honorary tribute to the men and women who were awarded the Purple Heart medal for spilling their blood or sacrificing their lives in the service of our Great Nation.
To find out how your community can apply to become a Purple Heart entity and to see the list of all the Purple Heart entities across the state please click below.

Youth Activities
The Military Order of the Purple Heart's Youth Programs are focused on fostering patriotism and good citizenship among America's youth. We recognize outstanding leadership in cadets and midshipmen through the Senior and Junior ROTC programs in the United States and Department of Defense Dependant Schools worldwide.
To find out how to receive recognition for a JROTC or ROTC cadet click the link below.

The Department of Florida believes that Veteran education is important for the continued success and reintegration of the Veteran. We offer two scholarships a year, one to a Purple Heart recipient and one two an immediate family member.
To learn more about the scholarships please click the link below.

Veterans Affairs
volunteer service
​Veteran Affairs Voluntary Services. The Order has volunteers throughout the Country, who donate their time at VA Facilities to assist Veterans. In 2019, the Order donated almost 96 thousand hours to the VA (The Auxiliary donated an additional 18 thousand hours). This saves the VA from hiring approximately 65 full time employees.
To find out how you can help please click the link below.